22 November 2009

Are we disconnected?

Nowadays young people use the new technologies a lot. But does this deprive us to be face to face with our real friends and other people?
We think that all the new technologies are very helpful. They are useful in doing school work, research, talking with our friends when we are away from them, creating new ways to enjoy being with our friends, etc.
Some people think that we, teenagers, are addicted to computers and all that technological stuff, but we disagree with them. We think that we won’t use technologies instead of being with our real friends, if we can. We will only use them if we need because they can provide us many things, but it is not our priority.
As you can see, new technologies are becoming very popular thanks to their utility and that can be good for us, if we don’t use them too much.

Diogo, nº10; Fábio, nº11; Miguel, nº21; Ruben, nº24 - 901

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