26 May 2009

I like to move it, it... my trip around the world...

- Hey guys, you’re not going to believe what I just dreamed about last night!
- What kind of dream did you have?
- A dream about us in a global trip!
- A what?!
- I dreamed that we went on a trip all around the world! We parted from here in Famalicão and then we visited some Greek islands in the Mediterranean Sea! It was awesome, the sea, the heat, the people, we just loved it! Then, we went to Africa.
- Which countries did we visit?
- Well… While we were travelling along the Nile, we saw a lot of countries but we only stayed in Tanzania, the mysterious land. And guess what! After that we went to: MADAGASCAR! And of course we sang…
- I like to move it, move it!
- He likes to move it, move it!
- We like to: MOVE IT!
- The next place we visited was in Asia: India! There, we had an adventure: we were lost in the middle of the city and we didn’t know what to do! But we made it. Next stop: Singapore!
- I have an old friend there!
- But we didn’t stay there too long. It was a shame, but the trip had to go on. So, we parted to the lands of Australia, oh my god there were so many kangaroos! Our global trip also took us to New Zeeland! Afterwards, we dove in the deep waters of the Pacific Ocean, with the USA as a destiny. The American world “infected” us all along the territory until Boston. We quickly caught a boat to England, right to lands of Her Royal Highness, the Queen! Then, the English Channel drove us into Brittany; from there we went to La Coruna. We arrived home a few time later, tired but happy with our greatest and probably only global trip! I wish it wasn’t only a dream…

Ana Margarida, nº 2; André, nº5; Inês, nº15; Rita, nº25 - 801

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