23 November 2008

Wired Teens Changing Communication Norms

In this age of MySpace, instant messaging, cell phones, and email do teenagers still have time for face-to-face human interaction? According to a study by the Pew Internet and American Life Project, the answer may be no.
Pew found among teens with access to multiple forms of communication (be it text messaging, online chat, and cell phones) only 35 percent listed personal human interaction as an everyday means of communication. That makes face-to-face communication the second least popular option for communicating among wired teens. The only thing less popular than face-to-face communications was email with only 22 percent of teens saying they sent an email daily.
Cell phones are a teenager's main method for communicating with 70 percent of Pew survey respondents saying it is their primary means of communicating with peers. Next it was SMS text messaging with 60 percent of teens saying it was how the communicated with friends.
The Internet is close behind with 54 percent of teens saying they sent an instant messaging daily to a friend. Forty-seven percent listed social networking sites as how they communicated with friends daily. The landline phone is still alive and kicking with 46 percent of teens they used it once a day.
For my money, nothing will replace actually meeting people in person. Sure virtual communication can be more convenient. But emoticons can only do so much in a text or instant message.
USA Today

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