7 November 2008

Mandatory Task - 11th form (1101, 1105, 1109)

GM Foods - Friend or Foe?
An Internet WebQuest on GM Foods
Imagine this...an orange that contains all the nutrients in a multivitamin, a tomato with more flavour as well as cancer fighting substances, sweeter strawberries, a potato that produces healthier french fries, allergen-free peanuts, a rice high in beta-carotene as well as bananas that deliver needed vaccines.
Is this science fiction or real science?

It's real science and it is happening in laboratories today as genetically engineered foods.

But now, what about fruits and vegetables that contain a gene from a bacterium that make these crops more insect resistant?
Would you want to eat these foods? What if these crops found their way into our food supply right now?
Many people are afraid of this new technology and are calling these new genetically modified foods 'Frankenstein' foods.
Should we be concerned? Are these foods safe to eat? How would these new crops affect the environment? Are these genetically modified foods everything they promise to be by their proponents? Or are they something to fear according to several advocacy groups?
Are you ready for the new foods of the 21st century? Are you ready to explore the risks and benefits of genetically engineered foods?
Should we consider food biotechnology a friend or a foe?

The Quest
What are genetically engineered foods and are they dangerous to our health and to the environment?

In this WebQuest you will be working together with a team of students in your class. Each team of students will complete assigned tasks that will assist them in answering "The Quest".
As a member of the group you will explore the topic of "Genetically Modified Foods" from various resources on the web. You will be reading pages from the web, which may have vocabulary words you do not know.

You will begin with everyone in your team exploring some background information on genetically engineered foods.

Where do you begin? Here is some background information everyone:
Use the Internet information linked below to explore the basic questions on the topic:
1.) What is food biotechnology?2.) What are genetically engineered foods?3.) What are the potential benefits of genetically engineered foods overall?4.) What are the potential risks of genetically engineered foods overall?

http://library.thinkquest.org/C004033F/what_is_gmfood_text.htm - In this Website you have information about the concept of GM Food. You are advised to browse the site, What is GM Food?, to have a basic concept first. Then you can find information about the scientific principles and methods used in the production of GM Food.

http://news.bbc.co.uk/hi/english/special_report/1999/02/99/food_under_the_microscope/newsid_280000/280868.stm BBCNews. General overview of pros and cons

http://news.bbc.co.uk/hi/english/special_report/1999/02/99/food_under_the_microscope/newsid_302000/302482.stm BBCNews. Describes test for genetically modified food.

http://news.bbc.co.uk/hi/english/sci/tech/newsid_262000/262616.stm BBCNews. Article about some drawbacks of genetically engineered food.

http://www.howstuffworks.com/question148.htm What is genetically modified foods. “How stuff works” website with link to information about cell processes.

http://www.truefoodnow.org/ - Greenpeace website against GE foods

The Quest for the Perfect Tomato. Information in cartoon format! The Gene Scene is part of the American Museum of Natural History’s Ology web site. Take note of the ‘Food for Thought’ on the issue.


So, are genetically engineered foods facts or fiction, friend or foe? Would you eat genetically engineered foods now? Do you now know where to find them in the grocery store? Should they be labeled? Do they harm the environment? Are they 'Frankenstein' foods or the new foods of the 21st century?

Hope you enjoyed your exploration of these new food items and learning how the science of genetics has a direct influence on your daily life. The next time you pick up a piece of fruit or snack on a taco chip you may be consuming a genetically modified food. Beware!

And now get prepared for a debate on this issue. You may have to take a position in favor or against GM Foods. Get prepared for that!

Your Teacher

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