22 January 2009


Being an adolescent is very difficult, although the adults do not say that. It is difficult because we have to worry about the grades at school. We have to be cool, because if we aren’t, the others make fun of us. We have to control our allowance, because if it finishes, parents won’t give us more. We have to impress our parents doing everything very well and being better than the others. We have to get time to do an extra school sport and to go out with our friends…
In reality, I think it is difficult to be an adolescent because of the tests at school and the grades at the end of the term; and because we have to get time to do our things… But I think we don’t need to be worried with what the others will think about us and we don’t need to impress them because each person is unique and should stay that way instead of changing because the others don’t like them or because they are different. I know that it is difficult
for adolescents to think that way.
I have good examples at home who help me think that way. In my case, if my allowance finishes, I may ask my parents for more, but only if I justify why I need more or why the allowance has finished, of course.
Yes, I think being an adolescent is difficult, not only due to the reasons that I referred above, but also because it is the stage when our body starts changing and our hormones are “jumping”. This is a difficult stage because we are happy in a moment and, in the next, we are sad or angry…
So, no one should say that being an adolescent is easy, because it isn’t.

Francisca, 1001

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