27 October 2010

Vlad, my name is Vlad

Hello! I'm Vlad.
My full name is Vlad Alucard. I live in London but I was born in Transylvania.
I'm quite young, I'm four hundred years old.
I'm tall and elegant. I've got light straight short brown hair, and green eyes. I've also got two beautiful white fangs.
I love travelling at night. I don't like travelling by day. I'm allergic to sunlight.
I love wandering in graveyards. I also like reading and writing but my favourite hobby is biting people's neck...
I've got a bat pet. Its name is Frank, Frank Einstein.
My favourite holiday is Halloween...
See you soon!


António 702 said...

Did you baseated in vladislav?
Good story!

Anonymous said...

so you like necks.
what kind of necks?